An idea succeeds when it is born out of a genuine need.
For Sonia Eterno, this need was to finally organize her family's daily chaos of appointments - with the SHUBiDU app, she has created the perfect solution.
Order for
Namo was asked to develop a brand for SHUBiDU that would enable the start-up to communicate the idea and philosophy of the app in an appealing and easy-to-understand way.
The imaginary name SHUBiDU stands for the positive emotions that users experience when using the app.
The brand radiates cheerfulness, openness and lightness. Bright, inviting colors and a playful wordmark underscore this image.
Individually designed illustrations help to convey the app's functionality and benefits in a clear and appealing way.
«Kreativ, schnell, pragmatisch & unkompliziert: Ich schätze die Zusammenarbeit mit Namo sehr.
Sie verstehen sofort, worum es geht und denken, über das Grafische hinaus, auch an das gesamte Kundenerlebnis. Das ist mir sehr wichtig!»
"Namo is characterized by a committed, pragmatic and competent way of working, as well as a very speedy and active approach to implementation."
"Namo supports us with illustrations for our internal cyber security campaign.
With Namo's fresh illustrations, we make a lasting impression on our target group."