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What is a .swiss domain? How do I order it and how much does it cost? You can find all information about the domain in this article.
November 4, 2022

What is a .swiss domain?

The top-level domain .swiss has been around since 2014, but it is still not very widespread despite offering some unique advantages.

What is the .swiss domain for?

The .swiss domain is awarded to Swiss companies and organizations by the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM).

They should be given the chance to emphasize their roots in Switzerland - in other words, it's all about the "Swissness" factor.

What is the difference to the .ch domain?

The big difference is that basically everyone can secure a ".ch" domain, regardless of their relation to Switzerland.

In order to acquire a .swiss domain name, on the other hand, several requirements must be met.

Besides, the .swiss domain is more expensive and the ordering process is a bit more complicated.

Conditions for purchasing a .swiss domain

You can order a .swiss domain, like all other domains, at a domain name registrar. After that, however, some additional steps are required:

  1. Swiss companies
    The .swiss domain is not sold to private individuals. Only companies registered in the commercial register and domiciled in Switzerland are entitled to purchase it.
  2. Reference to the domain name
    The reference can be established, for example, by the company name, brands and logos as well as slogans or product names of the company.
  3. No generic name
    Generic names such as "hotel", "restaurant" or "chocolate" are only assigned to representatives of the corresponding industries in a special procedure. Combinations of generic and a specific name are, however, allowed (for example, "garage-meier" or "restaurant-seeblick".

Advantages of the .swiss domain?

  1. Less competition
    The .swiss domains are harder to get, more expensive and newer than .ch domains. The advantage is that there are many more free domains. So the chances are good that Garage Meier and Kanzlei Müller will still be able to get hold of a .swiss domain for themselves.
  2. Swissness
    Due to the special requirements attached to the acquisition of a ".swiss" domain, the domain serves in a way as a seal of quality for the owner's strong Swiss connection. Depending on the industry, this can be a clear advantage over domestic and foreign competitors.
  3. International
    Particularly for Swiss companies that also have business relations with foreign countries, the ".swiss" domain is a welcome new option. The conventional .ch domain looks strongly Swiss-related and suggests few international relations. A .com domain, on the other hand, is difficult to obtain and the Swissness factor is lost altogether. The .swiss domain can be a good middle ground here.

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