The Chiros are an experienced, international team of specialist chiropractors who impress with their family-like cooperation, professional competence, networking, self-reflection, empathy and respectful treatment of patients.
In November, the Chiros opened their new practice on Monbijoustrasse in Bern.
We are proud that Namo was able to design and develop a fresh and elegant brand identity for Chiros & Team, including a responsive website.
You can find the website at
Photos © Tim Loosli
«Eine wirklich gute Arbeit, sachkundig und effizient. Namo hat unser Logo und unsere Website entwickelt und uns auf dem gesamten Weg unterstützt.»
"Namo is characterized by a committed, pragmatic and competent way of working, as well as a very speedy and active approach to implementation."
"Namo supports us with illustrations for our internal cyber security campaign.
With Namo's fresh illustrations, we make a lasting impression on our target group."