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Couple at a music event in Bern

Sponsoring local events: why it pays off

Contribution from
July 12, 2024

Local events are at the heart of every community, and for businesses it can be a great opportunity to build a closer connection with the local population through sponsorship. But what are the real benefits of sponsorship and how do you choose the right event?

What does sponsoring do for your company?

Sponsoring local events can really give your company a boost. Your company logo on posters, banners and in programs increases the visibility of your brand. People will see your logo and associate it with positive experiences. And that's not all! By supporting events, you show that you care about the community. This creates trust and sympathy.

Local events are also perfect opportunities to make new contacts and build relationships with other companies and potential customers. And hey, media coverage of the event and your sponsorship boosts your reputation and can bring you additional press attention.

Large crowd at an event in Bern, Switzerland
Events attract a lot of people - which also brings sponsors a lot of attention.
Source: Roman Kasinski

ā€¨Benefitsfor the region

But sponsoring is not only good for your company, it is also good for the community. Imagine helping to ensure that cultural and sporting events can take place, which improves the quality of life for everyone.

Local events bring people together and your sponsorship helps to strengthen the sense of community and create shared experiences. And let's not forget the economic benefits - events attract visitors who support local businesses, which benefits the local economy as a whole.

How do you choose the right event?

Now you may be asking yourself: How do you choose the right event for sponsoring? Well, make sure that the visitors to the event match your target group. A sponsorship is only effective if the right people see your brand. It's also important to choose events that suit your brand. For example, a gym could sponsor a sporting event, while a bookstore could sponsor a literary festival.

Also consider how many people the event will reach. Larger events offer more visibility, but smaller, well-attended events can also be very effective. And make sure that the event fits into your sponsorship budget. There are events to suit every budget, from large festivals to smaller community events.

People at a medieval festival in Switzerland
Small local events are just as much in search of sponsors as major events.
Source: Roman Kasinski

What needs to be considered

There are a few things you should always keep in mind. Make sure you have clear agreements with the event organizers. What exactly do you get for your sponsorship? How will your brand be presented? A simple logo on a banner is good, but real commitment is better.

Offer activities or services at your stand to interact with visitors. Take the opportunity to follow up after the event. Thank the organizers and participants and use the contacts you have made for future marketing activities.

Film screening with live music in Switzerland
Film festival with live music.
Source: Roman Kasinski

Sponsoring with heart and mind

Sponsoring local events is more than just advertising. It's an opportunity to be part of the community, build relationships and showcase your brand in a positive way. With the right event and a well thought-out strategy, you can achieve a lot.

If you need support in selecting the right event and planning your sponsorship, Namo as a full-service creative agency is the perfect partner to make it happen.


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