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Lantern with Swiss crosses

Swiss German in marketing: top or flop?

Contribution from
July 11, 2024

Swiss German in marketing - it can either be a real hit or a total flop. So when should Swiss companies use the charming dialect and when should they not?

Pro: Closer to the audience

One of the biggest plus points: With Swiss German, you simply get closer to the audience. It feels like talking to a good friend. And who doesn't love it when advertising suddenly comes across in a familiar dialect? Authenticity is the magic word here. You show that you understand people and communicate at eye level.

Contra: Comprehensibility

But be careful! Not everyone in Switzerland speaks the same dialect. What goes down well in Zurich could cause confusion in Bern or Basel. The diversity of dialects can therefore also be a disadvantage. And if you want to address an international audience, Swiss German will simply not be understood.

Pro: Sympathy factor

You can really boost the likeability factor with Swiss German. People love it when advertising is not only informative, but also entertaining and charming. A little Swiss humor can work wonders and put your brand in a particularly positive light.

Soft toy of a cow in a souvenir store in Switzerland
Swissness in marketing is well received - especially by a Swiss target group.

Contra: Professional appearance

On the other hand, Swiss German may not leave the desired professional impression. Especially in industries that place great value on formality and seriousness, dialect could be perceived as too casual and less serious. So you have to weigh up carefully whether it suits your own brand identity.

Pro: Local ties

Swiss German in marketing shows that you are proud of your local roots. It signals that you are part of the community and appreciate local customs. This creates trust and strong customer loyalty.

Contra: Effort and costs

Striking the right note can be a real challenge. Dialects are not only diverse, but also complicated. The effort involved in creating a Swiss German campaign can be high, especially if you want to cover different dialects. And that often means higher costs.

People on a bicycle tour in Switzerland
The regions of Switzerland are unique - also when it comes to their dialect.
Source: Roman Kasinski

When does it fit and when doesn't it?

Swiss German in marketing is like chocolate - enjoyed in the right quantities, it is simply perfect. Use it if you want to build an emotional connection and your brand has a relaxed, approachable character. Don't use it if you want your message to be understood internationally or if you are addressing a very formal target group.

If you need help creating a charming, authentic and effective marketing campaign, Namo is your perfect partner as a full-service creative agency. We'll help you get your message across clearly and sympathetically - in Swiss German or any other language!


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