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7 Tips & Tricks on how to write captivating copy for your website that gets found on Google.
December 22, 2022

How to write good texts for your website

Writing texts for websites brings special challenges.

In this article, we have gathered 7 tips & tricks to help you write exciting and readable texts for your website.

1. use the right keywords

In order for users to read your text, they must first find it via Google & Co. The keyword is search engine optimization (SEO).

Among other SEO factors, it is important that your text contains keywords that are searched for in search engines.

You can find out which terms these are with keyword research. Services such as Ubersuggest and Google's suggestion function are helpful when typing text into the search mask.

2. set exciting headlines

You may know this from your own experience: When researching a topic on the Internet, you first skim several websites and only read the headlines to get an impression of the topics covered.

That's why it's important to use meaningful and exciting titles and subtitles that give a taste of what the main text is about.

For SEO, you should also make sure to use the correct H tags. For the page/main title H1, for all other titles H2 and for subtitles H3. With this you have already created a good basis for the SEO optimization of your page.

3. make texts reader friendly

Make it easy for your readers to read and understand the content as quickly as possible. Pay particular attention to the following:

  • Write briefly and concisely. Avoid convoluted sentences.
  • Use paragraphs and subheadings to organize long texts.
  • Highlight important keywords in the text.
  • Use bullet points for lists.

4. stay on topic

People who search the Internet usually have a very specific question to which they want an answer.

If the answer to this question is hidden behind a wall of text, fewer people will read your text and bounce right off your page.

Try to put yourself in the shoes of your readers and answer questions concisely and clearly.

5. link posts to each other

Once you have published several posts, you should link them to each other (keyword: cross-linking).

For example, if you mention the keyword SEO in a post about text optimization, you can link at this point to another post in which you have already covered this topic in more detail.

Cross-linking helps visitors to your website to find relevant articles more easily and it is an important factor for search engine optimization.

6. use visuals

Photos & illustrations loosen up long passages of text and can also offer informative added value (keyword: infographics).

Make sure you use images that are coherent, interesting and match the text.

Images also help with search engine optimization, because they are also indexed by Google & Co. It is important that you add explanatory alt texts to all images.

7. close texts correctly

At the end of a text, the question arises: What happens next? Therefore, think about what you would like the readers of your article to take away with them at the end.

Helpful are, for example, links with further information on the main topic of your text or related articles.

Also important is a call-to-action, i.e. a request for action in which you refer to your services, your newsletter or a general contact option.

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