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5 basic tips to get your website higher on Google.
December 2, 2022

Optimize websites for search engines

Search engine optimization (SEO) ensures that your website is displayed higher in the results of Google and Co. Thus, SEO has a direct influence on how many people visit your website.

In this article we have gathered 5 basic SEO tips for you.

1. keywords

Keywords are terms that people search for on Google & Co. These can be single words as well as whole sentences.

Simply put, those keywords that your target audiences are searching for need to be represented in the right places on your website.

Finding out which terms are relevant to you is part of the keyword analysis. Think about what your target audience is looking for, or better yet, survey your customers.

There are also digital tools that help you with keyword analysis. These include Google Analytics and Answerthepublic.com.

2. content marketing

Closely linked to the keywords is content marketing. This involves providing content on your website that your target groups are interested in.

For example, if you're planning a raised bed on your balcony, you're probably also interested in watering, plant soil and gardening tools.

So if you sell raised beds on your website, it makes sense if customers can also find information on the site about everything related to raised beds.

By doing this, you increase the chance of people becoming aware of your website and your core offering (in this case, raised beds).

3. titles & descriptions

A bit more technical are the titles(title tags) and descriptions(meta descriptions). These are the two texts that are displayed in the search engine results.

Make sure that the keywords (see above) appear in the title or at least in the description. This helps with SEO.

It is also important that the two texts stand out. Search for relevant keywords and see which titles and descriptions are displayed on your competitors' websites.

Think about how you can stand out and what information you want a customer to see.

4. internal links

Internal links help visitors to your website navigate and Google also rewards well placed internal links.

The easiest way to find out which links make sense where is to put yourself in your customers' shoes. Go to your website and play through different scenarios.

Where do you need a link to the contact page? Where do you place information about delivery conditions in an online store? How do I get from a single blog post back to the overview page?

5. alt texts

Alt texts or alt tags are also indexed by Google for search.

These are short, descriptive texts that you can add to media files (photos, videos, graphics) on your website.

Alt texts are also helpful for people with visual impairments. They help them navigate through your website(accessibility).

Bonus: Technical optimization

Technical adjustments to the website can also improve the search engine performance of your website.

We won't go into detail here, that would go beyond the scope of this article. But if you have any questions about these or other topics around SEO, please don't hesitate to contact us at hello@namo.swiss.

Technical optimizations include:

  • Heading structure
    heading tags (H tags) helps search engines better understand the information hierarchy of your page.
  • Loading time
    rewards fast loading times of websites, especially in the mobile version.
  • Mobile optimization
    today are designed to be responsive. This means they are optimized for display on different screen sizes. Responsive design also helps with SEO.
  • Security (https)
    should be encrypted with an SSL certificate to keep user data safe. For example, when someone fills out a form on the website.

Bonus 2: Google Company Profile

Strictly speaking, a company profile on Google(Google My Business) belongs to location-based search engine optimization(Local SEO).

When people search for services on Google Maps, your business will show up in search results with a Google My Business listing, as long as it is within the specified search radius.

Google also displays My Business entries in the normal search. The decisive factor is the location of the person searching. A company profile can therefore also be helpful for normal SEO.

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