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As a pro bono project, Namo has renewed the website of the Swiss Animal Protection Abroad.
January 2, 2023

New website for the VSAT

The Verein für Schweizer Auslandtierschutz (VSAT) is a Swiss animal welfare organization that rescues street dogs and street cats in Romania.

The association mediates animal protection dogs and animal protection cats into a nicer life in Switzerland or offers them a safe life on the grace yard in Romania.

Namo designed & developed VSAT's new website as a pro bono project.

You can find the new website at www.vsat.ch.

We have found a reliable and competent partner in Namo to renew our website.

We were extremely satisfied with the cooperation as well as with the new website.

We can only recommend the cooperation with you!

Natasha Weber

Marketing & Communication, VSAT

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